Individual Therapy

Individual therapy can offer you an introduction into a clearer understanding of yourself. Therapy can open the opportunity to become the version of yourself you aspire to be. If you are seeking to make changes in your life or significant relationships, identify your best life choices and dreams, or become more mindful and present in your life, you will find individual therapy beneficial. Individual therapy can also assist you in recognizing relationship patterns that hold you back, as well as with helping you directly confront change and transitions in your life. It can provide opportunities for healing from trauma and dysfunctional family-of-origin relationships.

Contrary to popular belief, psychotherapy is not meant for only issues of trauma or self-harm but can be a reliable outlet for any kind of emotion that may overtake you during certain phases of your life. You can learn to identify and address communication issues to improve your relationships, whether personal or professional. Therapy provides a framework for you to understand the areas of your life that require your attention and your therapist serves as a guide along the way.

More serious diagnoses may require an intensive route to set you on a path to recovery. For instance, if you suffer from depression, anxiety, or PTSD, you will require a safe, judgment-free environment to express yourself fully and develop strategies to cope with your symptoms. Mental disorders have the potential of wreaking havoc on your life and with individual therapy, you can learn healthy social skills to keep you connected and supported. Psychotherapy provides opportunities for healing, changing, and developing for you to become the best version of yourself.